“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.”
– Muhammand Ali
– Muhammand Ali
Our Vice President of Sales, Jeff Cash, recently returned from a 9 day mission trip to Piura, Peru. He had felt a call to serve for the past 10 years, but the business of life continued to get in the way. The recent flooding in Peru presented an opportunity to answer that calling. Our team enjoyed receiving his daily email updates and we’re excited to share his experience with you!

The first full day of the trip was spent at the mission headquarters in Santisimo Sacramento, Peru at the all-girls orphanage. The orphanage rescues girls from broken and abusive homes and sometimes families from the mountains will bring their daughters here for a better opportunity at life. It was a busy day of volleyball, a recital performance, and a group dance. While no video has surfaced (yet), we hear that Jeff busted out some of his best dance moves. Jeff expressed that while it was difficult for him to be away from his own children on Father’s Day, it was an honor to spend it with those that do not have a father.
As the trip continued, one of the major tasks was to rebuild the pueblos destroyed by the floods. Many people did not survive the floods, and those who were fortunate enough to live lost their homes and all of their worldly possessions were washed away. Currently, many survivors are still living in tents and eager to have something more permanent.

A three bedroom home of bamboo, plywood and grass can be erected for just $550. One of the challenges was digging holes in the sandy soil, and mixing concrete by hand to set the bamboo posts. A total of five homes were completed during this trip. The team also built two new classrooms at one of the schools.
The mission was made possible through generous donations to the St. Joseph’s Peruvian Mission Fund. This Fund provides aid to the community in many forms: housing, medical care, education, trade training, farm assistance, even hospice care. Jeff and his family participate in the “Family to Family” program, where their $300 donation feeds a family in need for an entire year. During this trip, Jeff was able to meet the family he was assisting.

Meet Eda and her three children, Kimberly (5), Jeffri (2), and Beysel (9mo). During the trip, Jeff and his fellow missionaries were able to build Eda and her family a new home.
Eda’s response to this news was, “Es un milagro.” (It’s a miracle)
After completing the building of Eda’s new home, the families and the missionaries were able to enjoy a meal together at the mission compound. Check out that Arch-Fab hat!
The final day was spent back at the orphanage, where official “Peru vs USA” volleyball matches were played. The match was started by each team singing their national anthem. Peru played to win, and USA lost two 2 of the 3 games. It was time for good byes, knowing that their paths may never cross again.
One person can make a difference; and a small step can make a lasting impact. What actions are you taking to make the world a better place? How are you working to change the lives of others?