
Arch-Fab Leadership Development Program

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”
– John F. Kennedy

Arch-Fab’s Annual “Aide-De-Camp” Leadership Development Program provides our emerging leaders the opportunity to advance their skill sets through external coaching, internal mentorship, and cross-training in core business functions and processes. This serves to not only broaden the aide-de-camp’s core knowledge and understanding of our industry in a hands-on learning environment, it also provides the opportunity for fresh perspectives and approaches to the challenges encountered in our business.

Borrowed from the military, the term aide-de-camp denotes a position of an assistant to a high-ranking officer. In the United States Army, aides-de-camp are appointed and serve as confidential assistants to senior-level officers, specifically general-grade officers. This tour of duty typically lasts two years and exposes junior-level officers to broader leadership roles and responsibilities.

The candidates selected from our application and interview panel process will spend the remainder of this calendar year working with Jeff Cash, Arch-Fab’s president, to prioritize, plan, and execute on strategic objectives within our business. All this in aim of making Architectural Fabrication a better company to work for and work with.

“We will be students in pursuit of a deeper knowledge of how our business functions, leadership philosophy, and overall leadership development. We will be relentless in our efforts to share the knowledge we gain with the rest of our team.”

– Jeff Cash

2022 Aide-De-Camp Selections

Nick Mitchell - Project Manager at Architectural Fabrication

Nicholas Mitchell

Senior Project Manager

Kevin Wampler - Production Supervisor at Architectural Fabrication

Kevin Wampler

Production Manager

Aide De Camp - 2023